What song?
Red Rubber Ball (1966)
Who wrote it, sang it?
Paul Simon
Simon & Garfunkel on Old Friends [popularized by The Cyrkle]
What song?
Red Rubber Ball (1966)
Who wrote it, sang it?
Paul Simon
Simon & Garfunkel on Old Friends [popularized by The Cyrkle]
You never cared for secrets I confide
To you, I’m just an ornament,
somethin’ for your pride,
Always runnin’ never carin’,
that’s the life you live,
Stolen minutes of your time were all you had to give
You never cared for secrets I confide
To you, I’m just an ornament,
somethin’ for your pride,
Always runnin’ never carin’,
that’s the life you live,
Stolen minutes of your time were all you had to give