The more it tolled
the more she grieved,
She bursted out a-crying.
'Oh, pick me up
and carry me home.
I fear that I am dying.'
They buried Willy in
the old church yard and
Barbara in the new one,
And from William's grave,
there grew a rose,
from Barbara's, a green briar.
They grew and grew in
the old church yard,
Till they could grow no higher,
And there they tied
in a true lover's knot,
The red rose and the briar.
the more she grieved,
She bursted out a-crying.
'Oh, pick me up
and carry me home.
I fear that I am dying.'
They buried Willy in
the old church yard and
Barbara in the new one,
And from William's grave,
there grew a rose,
from Barbara's, a green briar.
They grew and grew in
the old church yard,
Till they could grow no higher,
And there they tied
in a true lover's knot,
The red rose and the briar.